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At the end of last year, 2022, a major support site (creator support site) took action to exclude creators who create 3DCG Loli-Shota works.
It is said that they caved in to pressure from some credit card brands, but in any case, the support site, which should be in a position to protect us creators no matter what, took action to exclude us.
In any case, this should not have been an action taken by a support site that should be in a position to protect us creators no matter what.

As if this was the beginning of a trend, most of the other support sites followed suit and began to impose restrictions in the same way, as if it were the right thing to do.

There is no way that we can just sit idly by and overlook this trend, which seems to be a call to regulate everything that is "highly realistic.

In Japan, freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. The current trend is to regulate even that freedom of expression.
This is unacceptable.

I also hear that some authorities and groups are trying to incorporate even fictional Loli-Shota works, which do no harm at all, into the Child Pornography Law, which protects minors,
This is a situation where we are at a loss as to what they are talking about.

Where can a law that protects real children incorporate acts that express a fictional world?

Now that the LGBT law has been passed and sexual diversity has been recognized, it is not surprising that some people who have sexual preferences, and who love fictional Loli-Shota characters in the 2nd and 3rd dimensions, are trying to criticize and slander those who have such preferences.
In an age when diversity is recognized, it is incomprehensible and foolish to try to criticize and slander some people who have such preferences, and who love fictional, second- and third-dimensional loli shota characters.

There is no end to the number of people who are born with LGBTQ sexuality. Because they are human.
The same is true for us, the sex-obsessed people who love imaginary loli shota. Still, how can we be the only ones to blame? This is the very definition of a modern-day witch hunt.

In every age, there are those who try to suppress people's freedom with money and power, but the driving force behind their actions is often their own self-gratification and disregard for their original purpose.
It must feel so good to feel superior, to feel superior by silencing the many, by simply asserting their power.

If they are justified in their condemnation of us, then, as I have said, there will continue to be those who love fictional Loli-Shota characters like us.
It may be your son or daughter who is so self-satisfied with his or her power, but you cannot see that such innocent children will be labeled as bad people because they were born with this proclivity.
Can you not see that you will be labeled as a bad person for having been born with this proclivity?

I believe that the twisted regulations will eventually return to their original state. So far, human history has proven that.
However, it is also true that it is difficult to return to the way it was without resistance, such as by firmly opposing these movements.

Fortunately, there are some incumbent legislators and lawmakers in this country who are taking action to challenge such distortions.
I have started this website as a way to encourage these people, even though it is only a small effort.

As I mentioned on the top page, this is an 18 prohibited site.
Everything, from the location to the characters, is simply a visualization of a fictional pictorial world.

Please do not accuse us of being "highly realistic" or other convenient terms because you cannot distinguish us from reality.
We are a kind of human beings.

Why don't you stop condemning other people's sexual preferences?